Risks & Results of NOT challenging Islamophobia

Results of NOT challenging Islamophobia

The CJ Werleman Show: Unveiling the Consequences of Failing to Challenge Islamophobia

In “The CJ Werleman Show,” CJ Werleman delves deep into the repercussions of not actively challenging Islamophobia. The show highlights how silence and inaction can lead to increased discrimination, societal division, and violence against Muslim communities. Through interviews, analysis, and on-the-ground reporting, Werleman exposes the urgent need for proactive measures to combat Islamophobia and protect human rights globally.

Not challenging Islamophobia perpetuates discrimination and injustice, as highlighted by "@doamuslims" documentation of the Muslim community's struggles.

Consequences of Inaction: How Hindutva Watch Highlights the Escalation of Islamophobia When Unchallenged

Hindutva Watch documents the alarming rise in Islamophobia in India, emphasizing the dire consequences of inaction. The platform highlights instances of violence, hate speech, and systemic discrimination against Muslims, showcasing the pervasive nature of Hindutva ideology in legislative, executive, media, and educational sectors.

By chronicling lynchings, mosque demolitions, and targeted persecution, Hindutva Watch underscores the critical need to challenge Islamophobia. The site serves as a stark reminder that silence and inaction only embolden perpetrators, leading to an escalation in violence and intolerance For more detailed reports and examples, visit Hindutva Watch.

Alliance Against Islamophobia.

Alliance Against Islamophobia (AAI) is at the forefront of
tackling the escalating issue of Islamophobia fuelled by the
emergence and growth of far-right Hindu extremist groups
in Australia.
This critical issue has been highlighted in various respected
news sources such as Australian Muslim Times, The
Saturday Paper, Inside Story, The Guardian, and Al Jazeera.

Revealing the Extent of the Issue: Key Studies and Reports

Australian Human Rights Commission’s Report (2021):
“Sharing the Stories of Australian Muslims” reveals that
80% of surveyed Muslims have faced discrimination
based on race, ethnicity, or religion.

The Islamic Council of Victoria’s Study: “Islamophobia
in the digital age: a study of anti-Muslim tweets” (pg 10 –
11) demonstrated that over half of the global anti-Muslim
tweets are associated with far-right Hindu extremist

Western Sydney University’s Report: The study titled
“Examining the Problem of Misinformation among the
Indian Diaspora in Australia” uncovers how far-right
Hindu extremist groups are disseminating hate and
misinformation against Muslims through social media
and WhatsApp groups.

University of Massey White Paper and online webinar :
Prof Dutta in his White paper and online talk,
“Mainstreaming of Hindutva Extremism through
Celebrations of the Ayodhya Temple in the Indian
Diaspora,” contributes to normalising violence against
Muslim communities, promotes extremist anti-Muslim
hatred, and emboldening ar-right Hindu extremist
groups in spreading Islamophobia.